There's always more to the story

A Mix 102.9 personality's ramblings and ponderings

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial Day Weekend fun

Connecticut School of Broadcasting treated some of its instructors to a Rangers game Saturday night, and of course Angela and I were all over that. Rangers games are the best! This time we were in a suite. Usually when we go to Rangers games it's just the two of us in the regular seats, and we alternate between fun chats and being totally into the game. But in the suite, everyone was more concerned with the chatting part. Call me a nut, but that bothered me. There were a few people who were into the game, but the most concentration centered around the food and small talk. Deborah Damiano's husband asked me at one point, "Do you like baseball at all?" This would be a sarcastic question if he knew me, but since he hadn't seen me jump up and down and scream yet, he was being serious. I told him I loved it and slid into a position with a better view of the batter. We chatted for awhile as I kept an eye on home plate, and I think by the end of the conversation he realized I was a sports nut. I probably should have used the opportunity to network with other broadcasters. Brenda Teele was there from WFAA and she's fantastic. And my friend Pam Harris from Channel 11 was there. Angela and I did manage to chat with her for awhile and meet her husband. But during the 7th through 9th innings I had to focus on the game. The Rangers lost to the A's, but they bounced back Sunday night and won again last night. I don't have to witness all the wins. My love for them is unconditional.

We went to a pool party on Sunday. It was a hoot. But our friends decided it would be fun to toss random, fully-clothed people into the pool, and Angela was among their victims. Angela grabbed onto me as she was about to be pulled in, but I managed to pull myself over to a nearby lawn chair and sit down just as Angela lost her grip. I couldn't have saved her anyway. Denise was determined to pull her in. Denise told me later not to worry--that there was no way they would mess with me. Interesting. That's good, because I really would have hated being dunked. At the same time it made me wonder what vibe of mine had alerted them to this disdain for being soaked against my will. I guess some people are just dunkable and some are not. I admire the dunkable ones, but at the same time I'm fully content in my undunkability. Something to ponder this week.

Oh, GO MAVS!! I'll be watching at work tonight while I'm on the air. I can feel a Mavs/Heat Finals in the future. Hurray for transition defense and finding a way to win no matter what. Mavs rule!


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