There's always more to the story

A Mix 102.9 personality's ramblings and ponderings

Monday, October 02, 2006

I try not to be a hypochondriac, but...

I think I sprained my right big toe. I used to laugh at professional athletes who miss games because of "turf toe" and other seemingly wimpy injuries that smell of a hypochondriac rat, but now I'm a believer. I totally think I've maimed some toe ligaments.

Angela and I played disc golf over the weekend and the first hole was a breeze, but after the first toss on the second hole, I felt something pull in my foot. I guess I forgot to do my big toe stretches before we teed off. It's totally affecting my leg-shaving ability in the shower. Don't ask. Or try to imagine.

Before you start thinking that I'm a huge wimp, just last month the ear, nose, and throat doctor told me I'm a warrior and that I must have an incredibly high pain tolerance. At that point my throat was hamburger, and he said only the absolute strongest of human beings would endure it! (Okay, most of that is the truth. It's slightly peppered with my own editorial undertone.) And just today, I got a cavity filled without anesthesia! I'm hard core. So what if it was just a slight pit in the side of my tooth that I been filled once already. The filling fell out, it needed to be filled again, and I refused the anesthesia because I had to go be on the radio and couldn't sound like I was drunk. The dentist said I didn't really need it anyway. When she started drilling it just felt a little like ice water, and thirty seconds later it was done. She filled it up with goop and now I'm good to go.

But this toe thing...


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