There's always more to the story

A Mix 102.9 personality's ramblings and ponderings

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A mental shift

In the few days that have passed since Angela and I found out we could attempt to start a family sooner than expected, something has changed in me. I guess it's because it's really real now. I've been imagining even more what it will be like to have little cries in the house, what it will be like to get less sleep, how we might have to rearrange our schedules a bit, and so on. At the root of it all is a very deep feeling of peace and contentment, so I know we're on the right track. There is a bit of fear knowing it might be a long process and that there will probably be some disappointments along the way, but at the same time there is trust that it will all work out.

We think we've found the baby daddy, and we've named him Klaus. We've never met Klaus, but we're sure we would like him if we had the opportunity. He's tall, left-handed, and athletic, which increases our odds of getting a successful major league baseball pitcher. I'll start teaching our son the split-fingered fastball around ten months I think. If it's a girl, I'll just change the method to under-handed. Maybe I'll wait until the age of 2, I don't know. All of that can be worked out later. For now, mad props to Klaus...and all of the twins in his family. Perhaps we'll get a pitcher and a catcher at the same time.

I don't know how much to blog about this process. First of all, I don't know how much of it is interesting to the average blog-skimmer. But then, if it's minutia, why stop now! It's better than blogging about peaches I suppose. Much of it is private, so I guess I'll just steer clear of some of the details.

It will be on my mind a lot so it will surely continue to creep into the blogs. For now, my greatest observation is the shift in my focus. It's all about home, and the thoughts are comforting. I'm almost moved to bake an apple pie. If I'm doing this now, what happens when the nesting phase truly hits? I'm prepared...I think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk about it ALL YOU WANT! I, for one, will be listening and cheering :-)))

8:49 PM  

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