There's always more to the story

A Mix 102.9 personality's ramblings and ponderings

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A splendid day

My toe still hurts.

But it was a good day. For me, a good day means I accomplished a TON. Some people might say a good day is a relaxing one on the beach drinking Mai Tai's, but no; my best days are the ones that allow me to throw at least one to-do list away. I suppose these great days could be significantly enhanced if I figured out a way to drink Mai Tai's while I'm accomplishing things. I'll work on that.

There were a ton of things that I wanted to change in the store on my website, so I worked on that most of the day. I had been putting off adding USPS web tools (postage calculator) because I thought it was too complicated and my brain almost exploded once when I was reading about the integration, but I dove back into it today and nailed it! It only required one email of distress to my web girl Julie, who rocks in ways that I will never be able to fully explain. She puts up with SO many "please fix" and "please help" emails that I doubt I will ever be able to truly express my gratitude. She's calm about computer things, and she's easily able to laugh off my html-driven panic attacks. BUT after I emailed her today I figured out the problem myself and didn't even need her after all. Ha! So I called the USPS peeps and told them I had completed my API testing and integration and to please move me over to the production server. Yesterday, I had no idea what that sentence meant, and I have a feeling that knowledge will fly right out of my brain before the sun comes up tomorrow. But for about an hour today, I was a genius. (Go ahead and laugh Douglas; you true computer genius you.)

Angela and I have an appointment tomorrow with the fertility doctor who will tell us if it's okay to proceed. Just thought I'd throw that in there to see if you made it to the end of the blog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think you're a meany person at all! I think you're a computer genius and an awesome friend and I love you lots!

I was laughing at myself so it was an invitation for you to join in. :-)

10:40 PM  

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