There's always more to the story

A Mix 102.9 personality's ramblings and ponderings

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Odd pics from the Mix 102.9 Studio

I'm sorry my camera phone sucks so bad.
I'm feeling random today.
The CD shot is interesting. Those are diapers up there. No explanation for that. We don't use the diapers or the CD's much.
The swear jar isn't terribly full. I guess that's a good thing.

Avril Lavigne has the coolest-looking signature on our autograph board, but I'm scared to show you a close-up on the off chance that you're an identity-stealing criminal. I can't read a lot of the signatures. What's the point of signing an autograph board at a radio station if no one can read it and will never know you were even there? Kelly Clarkson and Dakota Fanning have cool signatures. Cool and memorable.

I think the Dixie Chicks were playing when I took the shot of the control board. They're getting the green light. They'll be here in September around my birthday. Back when I lived in Austin and was in a band, Natalie's dad Lloyd came to one of our shows because he loved our CD and was thinking about working with us a little bit more. But we didn't hear much from him after the live show. We must have really sucked. It still sort of pains me. I love me some Dixie Chicks! It's just hard to listen to them without being haunted by thoughts of cataclysmic failure. Doh!

Some things work out perfectly however. Take this bit of wardrobe utopia for intstance. Is this not the single greatest bit of color coordinated bliss you've ever seen?! I'm in love with it I say! I've been wearing the jacket just about every day this week because, although it's a million degrees outside, it's 55 degrees in this office building and without some sort of protection a sensitive gal like me can get frostbite. Today I just happened to add the t-shirt and go all Longhorn haute couture on yer aayyuss.

That is all for now.


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