There's always more to the story

A Mix 102.9 personality's ramblings and ponderings

Friday, June 09, 2006

Reflectin' on the week

Yay Mavs!! Here's the strategy for the rest of the Finals: keep on hackin' Shaq. Don't let him shoot, just hack him good in the process and put him at the free throw line and let him throw up some bricks. 1 for 9 last night? Wow. Usually he'll hit 3 or 4 of those. The game wasn't pretty last night, but the 1-0 lead in the series rocks. Ten days from now that's going to be huge.

Rick (my boss, Rick O'Bryan) told me the plan is to expand my show at the end of June. Yay! We have lots of ideas and we're waiting for the right time. That's all I can say for now. But good things are coming! More fun, more tickets to win, and more rockin' out with our bad selves. This weekend we're doing "confessions for cash." Ya got one? I don't think I have anything left to confess. Well, unless you count the time I used a coupon for $1 off two tubes of Colgate and I only bought one. That's a good one.

What else. GayBINGO asked me to host on the 17th. GayBINGO is a hoot! It's next Saturday at 6 so there's plenty of time to go out afterward. For info you can check out

Tomorrow we're going to the City Arts Celebration in downtown Dallas. I have to do some stuff for Mix so Angela is going to go along and wander around while I'm passing out t-shirts. Sunday it's all about quality time. Grillin', talkin', and watchin' the Mavs! A two game lead in the series would be SO sweet.

Hope your week was good. Keep in touch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like an awesome week! and an even cooler weekend! hope it's a blast... :) a 2-0 lead, well that would be quite awesome... i'm telling people already to get out the brooms... maybe i should stop that, but sometimes i just can't help myself!! i'm soooo freakin' happy! :) lol

happy weekend!

11:34 AM  

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