There's always more to the story

A Mix 102.9 personality's ramblings and ponderings

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I like being a loser

I voted today. I know everyone I voted for is going to lose bad! Ha! At least I'm prepared.

But you know what? The majority doesn't always make the best decisions. All that it means to be in the majority is that you--like many others--have a skewed and warped perspective. How about that! I'm cracking myself up.

Anyway, I much prefer life in the margins. The weather is nice out here on the limbs, and there is nothing to fear. And this is where the revolutionary ideas happen. They start on the outside and move in gradully, and the liven up that boring ole majority along the way.

So don't forget to vote today! It took some motivation for me to actually haul my butt down there and stand in line, but I did it for all those people that tell me my vote does indeed count. I hope it does.


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