There's always more to the story

A Mix 102.9 personality's ramblings and ponderings

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Shopping cart ettiquiette

It's the holiday season and I'm finding it incredibly difficult to concentrate on my usual disciplines! All of that stuff that I do in addition to my job, like write this blog for example. All I want to do these days is roll around in tinsel and mistletoe and make Christmas candy! But I trudge on.

I went to Target today and I tried my best to effect shopping cart change, but it didn't catch on. I spent a lot of time back in the toy aisles shopping for my nieces, and naturally those aisles were jam packed with moms shopping for their kids. All of them forced their shopping carts into that already-crowded space. But not me! I took my wallet out and left mine a few feet away next to a rack of bermuda boxers. I've been feeling kinda bloated lately, but I still managed to squeeze between peeps and weave my way up and down the crowded aisles just fine. I was cart and burden-free! I moved between the See-N-Says and Potato Heads with ease, and I wasn't in anyone's way. I felt like I was doing a great service to the other shoppers there, but evidently they weren't feelin' my vibe. They clung to their carts like Gwyneth Paltrow clings to Moses when she's trying to ward off the papparrazi. Oh well. I did what I could.

And maybe these cart-clingers were onto something. As I neared the area where I had left my cart unattended, I saw that a Target employee was in the process of scooting it toward another unattended cart in an effort to clean up the place. He was about to return my cart to the front of the store when I mentioned that I was just trying to create more aisle space and left my cart there on purpose. He apologized, I took my cart back, and we went our separate ways. And from that point on, I started clinging. I even named my cart Moses. And I bought my niece Jada a Noah's Ark play set since she's so into animals. She can't read yet, so I feel safe in putting it out there. Shopping cart issues aside, I love the holidays!


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