There's always more to the story

A Mix 102.9 personality's ramblings and ponderings

Monday, December 11, 2006

Tis the season

Angela took me to look at Christmas lights last night. She drove to Starbucks first and picked up two hot chocolates, and then we drove around for about an hour. It was a special evening. :-)

Have you seen the lights in Frisco Square? (Near Dallas Parkway and Main, across from the soccer stadium.) If you see them driving by they're pretty, but they look a bit like they've short-circuited because they're flashing at irregular intervals and then they briefly go out. But when you're in the square you can set your radio to a certain frequency and the flashing is synchronized with the music. Sometimes they even have fake snow. They've gone all out! It's way cool.

So we drove around in the square, and then drove around our neighboring subdivisions. I've always loved peering into other people's houses because it makes me feel warm and cozy inside, and this time of year everyone seems to be inviting the nosiness. Warm and cozy indeed.

Yay for quality time.


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