There's always more to the story

A Mix 102.9 personality's ramblings and ponderings

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A little bloggy sabbatical

I'm taking the next couple of weeks off from blogging. Except for the blog on my Mix 102.9 page because keeping that one current impresses the bosses. Keeping up this blog impresses no one but my own self and I'm tired of me. Ha!

And I looked at my schedule for the next several days and it includes five holiday parties/year-end meetings, a couple of outside appointments, and slightly more than 70 radio shows that I have to prepare and send to other markets. I'm hoarse just thinking about it. But as always, I'm grateful for opportunity when it knocks.

So I'm just plum out of time. Busier than a one-legged woman in a butt-kicking contest. So busy I don't know whether to scratch my watch or wind my butt. And you're probably so busy you don't have time to read this, so my efforts would be in vain anyway. Let's reconnect after the holidays. Then I'll have fun pictures to post of Jada and Ciara's visit (I think the rest of my family is coming too. HA!), and I'll talk about all the exciting things we did like drink egg nog, wear flannel pants, and sit on the couch because our bellies are full. I don't have any of those exciting things to talk about right now.

Merry Christmas!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

merry christmas jen! wishing you and angela a little christmas miracle. looking forward to catching up in '07!

11:26 PM  

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